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Posts Tagged ‘swift

UI Testing in Swift

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To round out my blog series on an introduction to Swift, this posting will be covering UI Testing. Previously we created a simple Swift program to draw a Koch Snowflake, adding some unit tests and then added some performance tests.

The source code for the project is on Google Drive here.

UI Testing actually runs the program like an end user would run the program and if you switch to the simulator while the test is running you can watch these actions take place. Unlike many other UI testing frameworks, this one just interacts with the screen controls, if done properly there is no code involving doing things at specific (x,y) co-ordinates. The magic that makes this work is the iOS accessibility layer that was created to help people with disabilities use Apple products. For instance, the VoiceOver feature that reads the screen needs to interact with the controls in the same way as our UI Tests.

This then means that UI Tests also provide a good means for testing some of the accessibility aspects of our iOS applications. Fully supporting accessibility is an often neglected area and really deserves more consideration. The great thing here is that by making your UI Tests thorough you are also validating that many accessibility technologies will also work.

UI Testing in XCode

When you create a new Swift project in XCode and select unit testing you also get a skeletal group for UI Tests with some setup and a dummy test. You create you test by selecting an empty (or not) test and then pressing record and then manually perform the tests. When you close the simulator a bunch of recorded code will be pasted into your project. This then is a great starting point for writing more thorough tests. You then use all the same XCTAssert type functions as in the unit testing framework to check for problems.

Screen Shot 2016-06-15 at 8.41.45 AM


Not Having Accessibility Setup Correctly

If you haven’t set an accessibility identifier for your control, you won’t get the correct code recorded. Recording will try its best, but it will give you something that probably won’t work. This happened to me. I kept the bad code from the first attempt in the file commented out so you can see it. Generally, if the accessibility is setup right, the code is simple complete and will work. If not, you will find things you did not recorded and other things having hardware or synchronicity problems (strange errors which if you google have workarounds but it all becomes quite complicated).

Screen Shot 2016-06-15 at 8.42.06 AM

Keyboards and other Hardware

I performed my tests on my MacBook which of course has a fixed keyboard. When recording tests, make sure you use the iOS keyboard (that is on the screen). Generally, you want the tests to use all the iOS stuff and not the macOS stuff which makes using the simulator easier. Another approach is to access text fields via the clipboard using cut/paste so as to avoid the keyboard entirely. I tend to think for a good UI test you should test all the cases, but perhaps not on every text field. Also beware text already in text boxes that may need to be cleared first. One way to do this (probably the best way) is to add a clear button in the text boxes properties and then press this. In the recorded sample I hit the delete key a couple of times. Note that tapping a field usually doesn’t select all the text.


Beware that if you cause something to popup or be created, chances are your test code will run faster than that and start using things before they are created. You will need to add wait loops to wait for controls to exist before using them. This case doesn’t happen in the Koch snowflake program. Generally, you don’t want to insert sleep type statements to wait a couple of seconds, this slows down your UI tests and can prove unreliable and lead to investigating a lot of false failed tests. Always better to look for specific events and to proceed quickly.

The Test

The code for the test is below. The setUp and teardown methods were generated by XCode and I didn’t change them. The code for the testExample routine was generated by recording, then I just cleaned up a bit of noise. The intent is that it sets fractal level to 3 and then to 4. If you click on the simulator while running, then you can see this happen. Unfortunately, there isn’t really a good way to validate that it works correctly, so this is really only a run without crashing sort of test, unless you manually observe it.

//  KochSnowFlakeUITests.swift
//  KochSnowFlakeUITests
//  Created by Stephen Smith on 2016-05-13.
//  Copyright © 2016 Stephen Smith. All rights reserved.

import XCTest

class KochSnowFlakeUITests: XCTestCase {

    override func setUp() {

        // Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each
        // test method in the class.
        // In UI tests it is usually best to stop immediately when a failure occurs.

        continueAfterFailure = false

        // UI tests must launch the application that they test.
        //Doing this in setup will make sure it happens for each test method.

        // In UI tests it’s important to set the initial state -
        // such as interface orientation - required for your tests before they run.
        // The setUp method is a good place to do this.

    override func tearDown() {
        // Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of
        // each test method in the class.

    func testExample() {

        let app = XCUIApplication()

        let deleteKey = app.keys["delete"]

        let returnButton = app.buttons["Return"]



The UI testing support built into XCode and Swift is quite nice. Certainly comparable to some quite expensive packages available in the Windows world. Since iOS and macOS are quite a controlled environment and the accessibility support is quite good, this makes this package quite nice. The main thing to watch out for is the proliferation of Apple hardware to check. It appears that going forwards Apple is spending quite a bit of time ensuring automated testing works quite well for their development platform.

Written by smist08

June 15, 2016 at 4:09 pm

Posted in Mobility, programming

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Performance Testing in Swift

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A couple of blog posts ago I covered writing my first Swift program for iOS so that I could draw a Koch Snowflake on an iPad or an iPhone. Then last time I covered adding unit tests to that project. This time I’m going to add performance tests.

In the process of adding performance tests, I had to refactor the test project and we’ll also look at why that was and how it makes it better going forwards as more tests are added. I’ll also mention a few things that should be done if this project gets a bit bigger.

I put an updated version of the Koch Snowflake project on Google Drive here.

Performance Tests in XCode

Of course you could instrument your program yourself and perhaps write the performance results out to a file or something, for that matter you can drill down into the Swift test case class and have a look at their implementation. But XCode gives you a bit of support so you generally don’t need to. If you add self.measureBlock {} around code in a unit test then the time taken of the code inside the measureBlock will be recorded and reported inside XCode as shown in the following screenshot.

Screen Shot 2016-06-01 at 3.32.53 PM

Actually it does a bit more than that. When you add measureBlock to a unit test, then when you run that unit test, it won’t just be run once, but will be run ten times, so that the average and standard deviation will be recorded. Due to this it is crucial that any performance tests are idempotent. You can also set a baseline, so the percentage deviation from the baseline gets recorded. This is shown in the following screenshot that is a drill down from the previous screen shot.

Screen Shot 2016-06-01 at 3.33.04 PM

Hence XCode gives a fairly painless way to add some performance metrics to your unit tests.

Test Case Organization

Generally, you want your unit tests to run against every build or your product, so you want then to run in a second or two. Once the performance tests get longer, you will probably want to separate them off into a separate test group and then run this test group perhaps once over night. I haven’t done that, but if the project gets any bigger then I will.

In fact, the test framework inside XCode is quite good for performing integration tests (which would run against real databases and real servers), but since these may require some setup or be quite time consuming, you could also set these to run once per night.

There is also a separate framework for UI testing, which again is too slow to run against every build, but makes sense to run every night.

Refactoring the Unit Tests

For the performance test, I wanted to record the time it takes to draw the Koch Snowflake at various fractal levels. To do this I wanted to do something like the previous testInitialViewController routine, but it contained a lot of setup code. So first the unit test framework includes setUp function that is called before the unit tests are run and a tearDown routine that is called after then finished. So I moved the creating of the graphic context to this routine, along with the code to get the view controller started. Then it was fairly easy to add tests for fractal levels 3 through 7.

Last time I just had 2 unit tests, each was quite large and performed multiple things. Now we’ve split things up into more unit tests that do less, which is generally a better practice. This was actually forced on me since you can only have one measureBlock in any unit test, so I couldn’t performance test the different fractal levels in the same unit test (at least with separate timings). Really I should break up the turtle graphics tests into multiple unit tests, perhaps next time.

The reason I went all the way to fractal level 7, was that the performance reports in XCode are often 2 decimal places (or sometimes 3 decimal places) on the number of seconds the test takes. For my fractal, the drawing is quite quick so I needed go this high to get some longer test times recorded (kind of a good problem to have). I could have gone higher or put them in an additional loop, but thought this was sufficient.

//  KochSnowFlakeTests.swift
//  KochSnowFlakeTests
//  Created by Stephen Smith on 2016-05-13.
//  Copyright © 2016 Stephen Smith. All rights reserved.

import XCTest

@testable import KochSnowFlake

class KochSnowFlakeTests: XCTestCase {
    var storyboard:UIStoryboard!
    var viewController:ViewController!

    override func setUp() {
        // Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.

        UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(CGSize(width: 50, height: 50), false, 20);

        self.storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)

        self.viewController = storyboard.instantiateInitialViewController() as! ViewController
        _ = viewController.view

    override func tearDown() {
        // Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.

    func testTurtleGraphics() {
        // Test the turtle graphics library.
        // Note we need a valid graphics context to do this.

        let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
        let tg = TurtleGraphics(inContext: context!);
        XCTAssert(tg.x == 50, "Initial X value should be 50");
        XCTAssertEqual(tg.y, 150, "Initial Y value should be 150");
        XCTAssertEqual(tg.angle, 0, "Initial angle should be 0");
        XCTAssertEqual(tg.x, 60, "X should be incremented to 60");
        XCTAssertEqual(tg.y, 150, "Initial Y value should be 150");
        XCTAssertEqual(tg.angle, 0, "Initial angle should be 0");
        XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(tg.x, 60, accuracy: 0.0001, "X should be o 60");
        XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(tg.y, 160, accuracy: 0.0001, "Initial Y value should be 160");
        XCTAssertEqual(tg.angle, 90, "Initial angle should be 90");
        XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(tg.x, 60 + 10 * sqrt(2) / 2, accuracy: 0.0001, "X should be o 60+10*sqrt(2)/2");
        XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(tg.y, 160 + 10 * sqrt(2) / 2, accuracy: 0.0001, "Initial Y value should be 160+10*sqrt(2)/2");
        XCTAssertEqual(tg.angle, 45, "Initial angle should be 45");

    func testPerformanceLevel3()
        // Test that the storyboard is connected to the view controller and
        // that we can create and use the view and controls.

        viewController.fractalLevelTextField.text = "3"
        self.measureBlock {
            self.viewController.fracView.drawRect(CGRect(x:0, y:0, width: 50, height: 50))

        XCTAssertTrue(viewController.fracView.level == 3)
        // This next line is just to get 100% code coverage.

    func testPerformanceLevel4() {
        // This is an example of a performance test case.
        viewController.fractalLevelTextField.text = "4"
        self.measureBlock {
            self.viewController.fracView.drawRect(CGRect(x:0, y:0, width: 50, height: 50))

    func testPerformanceLevel5() {
        // This is an example of a performance test case.
        viewController.fractalLevelTextField.text = "5"
        self.measureBlock {
            self.viewController.fracView.drawRect(CGRect(x:0, y:0, width: 50, height: 50))

    func testPerformanceLevel6() {
        // This is an example of a performance test case.
        viewController.fractalLevelTextField.text = "6"
        self.measureBlock {
            self.viewController.fracView.drawRect(CGRect(x:0, y:0, width: 50, height: 50))

    func testPerformanceLevel7() {
        // This is an example of a performance test case.
        viewController.fractalLevelTextField.text = "7"
        self.measureBlock {
            self.viewController.fracView.drawRect(CGRect(x:0, y:0, width: 50, height: 50))



I found adding performance tests to my fractal iOS application quite easy. XCode gives quite nice support to perform these tests painlessly, hopefully motivating more programmers to include them.

At this point I’m not going to optimize the code as it is running fast enough. But if I ever take on drawing more sophisticated or complicated fractals, then drawing speed becomes really important. Some things to consider would be how efficient in the recursive algorithm used, and whether I’m efficiently using floating point and integer arithmetic (or are there unnecessary conversions or perhaps too much precision being used).

Written by smist08

June 7, 2016 at 2:15 am

Adding Unit Tests to My Swift Application

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Last time I blogged on creating my first Swift application that would display a Koch Snowflake fractal on an iPad or and iPhone. This time I’m going to look at adding some unit tests to that program to see how that works in XCode and Swift. It appears that Apple has built some nice unit testing support into XCode so doing this was actually quite easy.

I put the Koch Snowflake Swift project on Google Drive here. Feel free to download it and play with it. Refer to this project or the previous blog post for the code we are actually testing in this article.

Test Driven Development

If I was following proper Test Driven Development (TDD) then I should have written the unit tests before I wrote the actual code. This would force me to think about the design of the APIs and the testability of the program first, and then would force quick cycles of writing tests, writing code so the tests pass and then refactoring the code to make it all better. However, in this case I ported an old Objective-C program to Swift to play with Swift and now that I’m getting more familiar with Swift, I’m finally looking at the unit testing framework. So what I’m doing is perhaps not a good practice, but adding the unit tests later is better than not adding them at all.

The danger I could have run into is that the program could have turned out to be quite hard to test due to perhaps some bad design decisions and then required quite a bit of refactoring to make it properly unit testable. Fortunately, in this case the program is fairly simple and adding a good set of unit tests was fairly straight forward and didn’t require any changes to the program.

One criticism of TDD is that there is a perception that it interferes with good program design and architecture. This isn’t true. The misconception is that the first tests need to be truly useful, whereas the first tests usually just call the API and set how the API to the various classes is used. The classes are just skeletons and the unit tests pass as long as everything compiles. Getting everything to compile is the first step and thinking about all the APIs before writing the real code that does stuff is the first step to getting a good modular design.

Apple has adopted TDD for a lot of their own projects, for instance their Core Data module was developed this way. Since Apple developers use XCode and now many are using TDD this means that a lot of good support for TDD is being baked into XCode. It also means that newer Apple technologies are much easier to use in a TDD environment than some of their older ones. But even for the older ones there are lots of clever examples on the web of how to work around the various challenges they introduce.

Screen Shot 2016-05-31 at 10.41.21 AM

Testing Turtle Graphics

When you create a project with XCode you have the option to include unit tests (which I did) and this gives you a test project that you can run with some dummy tests in it. So I figured first let’s add some unit tests to my TurtleGraphics class. This is pretty simple you move the turtle and turn the turtle and it leaves a trail behind it. For drawing fractals turtle graphics makes the algorithms very easy since it fits in well with the recursive algorithms typically used.

The turtle graphics class uses Apple’s Quartz2D library to draw on the screen. Perhaps the first possible design flaw is that when I instantiate the turtle graphics library I need to pass its constructor a valid graphics context. The underlying Quartz2D library routines certainly don’t like this being nil and throw an exception if you try that (ie my first try). So I thought I would just create a graphic context object but after battling with Swift a bit, I found I couldn’t do this because the underlying class doesn’t have any constructors. This also prevented me from mocking the class (at least using the real class and replacing just a few methods). This is because Apple wants to make sure you get a valid graphics context from one of their factory methods. If you are actually in the drawing routine this is passed to you by the system, but as a unit test, we aren’t running in a screen drawing context. Fortunately there is a way to get a graphics context to draw on an in-memory image file, so I used that.

To solve this, I could have refactored the drawing routines into another class and had this class accept nil for the graphics context and just return when this happens. This is basically just making a new class that pass through to the real class when the program runs, or acts as a stub class when running unit tests. I didn’t like this so much since then if the real program did pass nil, it wouldn’t get caught and the program just wouldn’t work properly. Even though I’m not testing the actual placement of pixels on the screen, it makes me feel good to know the actual real drawing routines are being exercised during the unit tests, so if they do get an invalid argument or something the problem will be caught.

The unit test framework lets unit tests get at variables in a class to help you set up the asserts to prove correctness (you import the module via @testable import KochSnowFlake rather than just import), so to test it, I just did some simple move and turns and then tested that the internal state of the turtle graphics module was correct. Notice when I turned 45 degrees I used trigonometry to calculate the new position, for testing its usually good to test against a calculation, rather than running the program to see what the value is and then using that. Notice the use of XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy, since we are using floating point arithmetic, rounding errors creep in, so the equals will never be exact. You can configure XCode to either stop on each error or run to completion just recording all the errors, its up to you. For this I usually just stopped on an error and then fixed the problem.

func testTurtleGraphics() {
 // Test the turtle graphics library.
 // Note we need a valid graphics context to do this.
 UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(CGSize(width: 50, height: 50), false, 20);
 let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
 let tg = TurtleGraphics(inContext: context!);
 XCTAssert(tg.x == 50, "Initial X value should be 50");
 XCTAssertEqual(tg.y, 150, "Initial Y value should be 150");
 XCTAssertEqual(tg.angle, 0, "Initial angle should be 0");
 XCTAssertEqual(tg.x, 60, "X should be incremented to 60");
 XCTAssertEqual(tg.y, 150, "Initial Y value should be 150");
 XCTAssertEqual(tg.angle, 0, "Initial angle should be 0");
 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(tg.x, 60, accuracy: 0.0001, "X should be o 60");
 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(tg.y, 160, accuracy: 0.0001, "Initial Y value should be 160");
 XCTAssertEqual(tg.angle, 90, "Initial angle should be 90");
 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(tg.x, 60 + 10 * sqrt(2) / 2, accuracy: 0.0001, "X should be o 60+10*sqrt(2)/2");
 XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(tg.y, 160 + 10 * sqrt(2) / 2, accuracy: 0.0001, "Initial Y value should be 160+10*sqrt(2)/2");
 XCTAssertEqual(tg.angle, 45, "Initial angle should be 45");

Testing the View Controller

Now let’s test things at a higher level. Generally, we don’t do UI testing in unit tests, but we can do some basic tests to ensure everything is created properly and is more or less hooked up correctly. XCode does have built in support for UI testing and perhaps we’ll have a look at that in a later blog post. In this case we are going to create the storyboard (where the UI is defined) and from that instantiate our View Controller. Then we do a dummy access for the view to get the delay loaded elements loaded and start calling the View Controllers methods starting with viewDidLoad(). For our test we set the fractal level to 3 in the text box and then call the notification methods and see if it then updated properly in our View.

func testInitialViewController()
 // Test that the storyboard is connected to the view controller and
 // that we can create and use the view and controls.
 let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
 let viewController = storyboard.instantiateInitialViewController() as! ViewController
 _ = viewController.view
 viewController.fractalLevelTextField.text = "3"
 XCTAssertTrue(viewController.fracView.level == 3)
 // This next line is just to get 100% code coverage.

Test Coverage

The big questions that is usually asked about unit tests, is how much code to they cover (or exercise). XCode can give this report which you can see in the screenshot:

Screen Shot 2016-05-31 at 10.42.53 AM

Amazingly we nearly get 100% coverage. The only module with poor coverage is AppDelegate.swift which is code generated by XCode and then I never use it. The reason we get such good coverage is that this is a fairly simple program and it draws the snowflake when it initializes. But the key point here is that I am testing a lot of things fairly easily and fairly quickly. It tests the functionality of the turtle graphics library and it tests that the UI is all hooked up properly and working.

A true TDD adherent would delete all the code in AppDelegate.swift, since code shouldn’t be written unless it is to make a unit test pass. But I tend to give an exception to code generated by the tools like XCode, to me this code is Apple’s responsibility and not mine. Plus, if I ever do add code to this class then I would need to start adding unit tests and take it a bit more seriously.

Harder Cases

This program is pretty simple, so I didn’t need to do anything too fancy to unit test it. This is mainly because there is no database access, no hardware access (beyond drawing and one text field) and no communication with a server. If you add these then you would need to add mock, stub and/or fake classes to assist in testing. You want your unit tests to be fast and run on every compile. You don’t want to require databases be setup or that servers are running somewhere in a certain state. Fortunately, Swift is a very powerful object oriented language and creating all of these is fairly easy (extensions are especially helpful). The main problems you run into are in using the Objective-C libraries like UIKit, but again you aren’t the first to run into these and there are tons of sample code, blogs and lessons on how to deal with these.

Another tricky area is with asynchronous calls. When you make a call to the server, the response will be returned asynchronously. What this means that as soon as your unit test sends the server request, it will complete. Since the asynchronous request comes back on a separate thread later, you need to ensure your main thread doesn’t just end and you wait for the results, or the tests in the callback will never be executed. There are lots of examples on how to do this, but it definitely adds some complexity to your tests.

Continuous Build Server

If you have a team, then you will probably want a continuous build server that monitors your source code repository (probably Git) and then does a build and test each time something new is checked in. Apple has an XCode Server that you can purchase if you are a registered developer. Or you could use the Jenkins Build Server which is open source and free. Jenkins also has an XCode plugin to make life a bit easier. Though XCode is quite good at letting you control it from the command line. This way you can be notified as soon as something breaks and ensure problems get fixed right when they are caused, which is the easiest time to fix them.


That turned out to be quite a long posting on unit tests. XCode and Swift have a very powerful and easy to work with unit testing framework built in. If you are developing a new application, certainly consider using TDD for your development methodology. If you are porting or doing a new version of an app, then certainly try adding some unit tests. Unit tests will help you greatly over the lifetime of your product, making it more reliable, bug free and easier to maintain.

Written by smist08

May 31, 2016 at 8:17 pm

My First Swift Application

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Back in 2013 I purchased a MacBook Air, installed XCode and wrote a small Objective-C program to draw a simple fractal on an iPad. Which I then blogged on here. Now we are a few years later and I thought I would give Apple’s new programming language Swift a try and see how iOS/OSX development has evolved as a result. For more details on Koch snowflakes and what I the program does, check out my original article.

The Evolution from Objective-C to Swift

Objective-C was one of the first object oriented extensions to the C Programming language. Its first main usage was by Steve Jobs and NeXT Computer as the primary programming language of the NeXTStep operating system which later became OS/X and iOS. Objective-C had a lot of innovative ideas behind it like treating everything as sending messages between objects (rather than directly calling methods). But then C++ came along and became the main standard for an object oriented extension to C.

One of the complaints against C is that it puts a lot of burden on programmers since they are dealing with memory and the computer architecture at a very low level. You are manipulating memory pointers directly, allocating memory buffers, etc. This is all very powerful and produces very fast, compact and efficient programs. But there is a lot of room for error, since making a mistake here will lead to buffer overruns, program crashes and such. In the days of standalone computers this was annoying but not fatal. Now with the internet, these sorts of problems lead to security vulnerabilities and server crashes. All that being said, if you have skilled programmers, C, Objective C and C++ are very powerful and you can produce great reliable programs with them.

To address these problems, Sun Microsystems invented Java. Java was essentially an object oriented extension of C, but with all the pointers and low level memory access removed. Java then included a large standard class library to give an alternate way of doing all the low level things you did in C. Java compiled to P-Code which ran on a Java Virtual Machine. This could then be sandboxed to allow greater security. To some degree this was to try to reach a compromise between scripting languages like JavaScript or VBScript and true fully compiled languages like C++. I.e. to make it easier to program with less gotchas, but still maintain the compiler checks for correctness and modules features required to program large systems.

Microsoft saw the potential and growing success of Java and came up with their own competing system namely C#. C# was initially very similar to Java with a very similar class library. Microsoft actually originally had their own implementation of Java, but it really sucked and it was easier to move true Java programs to C# than it was to Microsoft Java. Similar to the Java VM, C# runs on Microsoft’s .Net framework which isolates you from the underlying operating system.

Java got off to a great start, but as Sun workstations went into decline, Sun couldn’t put the necessary R&D resources into supporting Java and forward progress slowed. Oracle bought Sun and took over Java, but Oracle doesn’t seem to be putting much effort into Java, besides suing the various users of it like Google.

Microsoft has been doing a lot of good work developing C# and has been putting a lot of work to evolving the language and evolving the .Net framework. Certainly modern C# has come a long way and contains a lot of powerful modern object oriented features that weren’t present initially and aren’t present in Java.

A couple of years ago Apple finally noticed this trend and produced their own modern object oriented language namely Swift. Swift isn’t a true object oriented extension to C, the core language has a lot of differences to C. Some things are quite similar like building expressions, but other things are quite different, like how you define variables. Swift has all the modern object oriented features like closures, extensions, generics, etc. which you would expect. Further since a lot of the language was re-imagined over C, it has a lot of nice built in features like ranges. If you look at just the core language, its quite clean, powerful and modern.

There are quite a few blog posts comparing these various languages such as these two articles on C# vs Swift: C# vs Swift and C# vs Swift. If you Google, there are a lot of discussions on the various points of these languages. Often the discussions also consider Go and Python.


The ugliness in all these safe modern languages comes in with how they interact with the underlying operating system. Neither Apple nor Microsoft re-wrote their operating systems to be safe and natively support these. At some point you have the transition from the nice safe, clean object oriented world into the old pointer based C world. Microsoft with the underlying Windows DLLs and Apple with the Objective-C based application frameworks and then to the underlying Unix based operating system kernel.

Sun took the highest approach making its own frameworks for everything and then leaving it to the JVM implementation on each system to translate native to this, so to a Java programmer everything looks the same. This sounds great, but doesn’t work well in practice since it doesn’t give you access to all the operating system features and makes your program less competitive. This resulted in the development of JNI and Java programs natively calling through to the ugly world outside the JVM.

Microsoft built the .Net framework on top of Windows, which provides most things you need and has been filling in more and more. But you still often need to call native DLLs directly (which makes you application unsafe).

Apple decided to use the current iOS/OSX frameworks directly and allowed Swift to interact bi-directionally with Objective-C libraries. This then allowed Swift programmers to directly leverage their knowledge of UIKit for instance to write programs. The downside of this is that it puts a lot of ugly code directly in your nice clean Swift program to deal with these older frameworks.

Koch Snowflakes Revisited

I ported my Objective-C Koch Snowflake program from 2013 over to Swift. This turned out to be pretty straight forward. I think the program source code is much cleaner once moved over to Swift and I definitely prefer Swift to Objective-C for programming. Since I’ve been doing mostly C# programming the past few years, it fells much more natural to me than Objective-C.

Although most of the code is cleaner, you can see a bit of ugliness around the interactions with the UIKit framework. I especially don’t like using the types their rather than the native Swift data types.

Screen Shot 2016-05-16 at 9.46.04 AM

Other Development Notes

For the UI, I used the standard storyboard screen designer which is shared by both Objective-C and Swift. Like most systems that edit your code, you just need to be careful not to edit the code inserted by the UI designer or they get out of sync and produce weird errors. I changed a variable name generated by the UI designer and it was a bit of a head scratcher tracing back from the error message to what was wrong.

I created the project as a standard single page application and set it to run on both an iPhone and iPad. There are now 12 standard devices of various iPad and iPhone models directly supported, I tried a couple of them, but certainly didn’t test with each one.

Generally, when you make a project you can create any new class in either Swift or Objective-C and have them interoperate. So you can bring in older code rather than porting it.

The debugger is quite nice, its easy to step through your code and see what is going on. Generally, XCode is a very powerful development platform and has a lot of great tools to support you in your programming. I haven’t added any unit tests yet, but I plan to have a look at the testing framework next and perhaps that will be the topic of a future blog.

Screen Shot 2016-05-16 at 9.44.39 AM


I think Swift is a huge improvement for programming iOS and OS/X over Objective-C.  Although Swift is open source and can be run on Linux, the Apple UI frameworks like UIKit are not open source. So I don’t think Swift will be any help in developing cross platform programs (unless they are very simple command line utilities). Swift is quite a modern language and its object oriented implementation is quite nice. Apple seems to be putting quite a bit of effort into Swift with version 3 of the language soon to be released. There is certainly a large community of iOS developers out there who should be putting it to good use.

This was a fun little project and I think I will be spending a bit more time dabbling is iOS development using Swift.

Source Code Listings

//  ViewController.swift
//  KochSnowFlake
//  Created by Stephen Smith on 2016-05-13.
//  Copyright © 2016 Stephen Smith. All rights reserved.

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    // MARK: Properties
    @IBOutlet weak var fractalLevelTextField: UITextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var fracView: FractalView!

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

        fractalLevelTextField.text = "2";
        fracView.level = 2;

               selector: #selector(textChangeNot),
               name: UITextFieldTextDidChangeNotification, object: fractalLevelTextField);

    func textChangeNot( object: AnyObject )
        if let enteredLevel = NSNumberFormatter().numberFromString(fractalLevelTextField.text!)
            fracView.level = Int(enteredLevel);

    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
        // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

//  FractalView.swift
//  KochSnowFlake
//  Created by Stephen Smith on 2016-05-13.
//  Copyright © 2016 Stephen Smith. All rights reserved.

import UIKit
class FractalView: UIView {
    var level = 1;

    // Only override drawRect: if you perform custom drawing.
    // An empty implementation adversely affects performance during animation.
    override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
        var frac: KochFlake;

        // Drawing code

        let currentColor = UIColor.blackColor();
        let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
        frac = KochFlake(inContext: context!);

        //Set the width of the "pen" that will be used for drawing

        //Set the color of the pen to be used
        CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, currentColor.CGColor);


        //Apply our stroke settings to the line.


//  KochFlake.swift
//  KochSnowFlake
//  Created by Stephen Smith on 2016-05-13.
//  Copyright © 2016 Stephen Smith. All rights reserved.

import UIKit

class KochFlake
    var tg:TurtleGraphics;
    var context:CGContextRef;

    init(inContext: CGContextRef)
        context = inContext;
        tg = TurtleGraphics(inContext: context);

    func KockSnowflake(level:Int)
        tg.turn( 60 );
        KockSnowflakeSide( level , size:400);
        tg.turn( -120 );
        KockSnowflakeSide( level, size: 400);
        tg.turn( -120 );
        KockSnowflakeSide( level, size: 400);

    func KockSnowflakeSide(level:Int, size:Int)
        if (level == 0)
            tg.move( size );
            KockSnowflakeSide( level - 1, size: size / 3 );
            tg.turn( 60 );
            KockSnowflakeSide( level-1, size: size / 3);
            tg.turn( -120 );
            KockSnowflakeSide( level-1, size: size / 3);
            KockSnowflakeSide( level-1, size: size / 3);

//  TurtleGraphics.swift
//  KochSnowFlake
//  Created by Stephen Smith on 2016-05-13.
//  Copyright © 2016 Stephen Smith. All rights reserved.

import UIKit
let pi:CGFloat = 3.14159;

class TurtleGraphics
    var x, y: CGFloat;
    var angle: CGFloat;
    var context: CGContextRef;

    init(inContext: CGContextRef)
        context = inContext;
        x = 50.0;
        y = 150.0;
        CGContextMoveToPoint(context, x, y);
        angle = 0.0;

    func move( dist: Int )
        x = x + CGFloat(dist) * cos( angle * pi / 180.0);
        y = y + CGFloat(dist) * sin( angle * pi / 180.0);

        CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, x, y);

    func turn( angleIncrement: Int)
        angle = angle + CGFloat(angleIncrement);


Written by smist08

May 16, 2016 at 8:00 pm