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Posts Tagged ‘performance tests

Performance Testing in Swift

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A couple of blog posts ago I covered writing my first Swift program for iOS so that I could draw a Koch Snowflake on an iPad or an iPhone. Then last time I covered adding unit tests to that project. This time I’m going to add performance tests.

In the process of adding performance tests, I had to refactor the test project and we’ll also look at why that was and how it makes it better going forwards as more tests are added. I’ll also mention a few things that should be done if this project gets a bit bigger.

I put an updated version of the Koch Snowflake project on Google Drive here.

Performance Tests in XCode

Of course you could instrument your program yourself and perhaps write the performance results out to a file or something, for that matter you can drill down into the Swift test case class and have a look at their implementation. But XCode gives you a bit of support so you generally don’t need to. If you add self.measureBlock {} around code in a unit test then the time taken of the code inside the measureBlock will be recorded and reported inside XCode as shown in the following screenshot.

Screen Shot 2016-06-01 at 3.32.53 PM

Actually it does a bit more than that. When you add measureBlock to a unit test, then when you run that unit test, it won’t just be run once, but will be run ten times, so that the average and standard deviation will be recorded. Due to this it is crucial that any performance tests are idempotent. You can also set a baseline, so the percentage deviation from the baseline gets recorded. This is shown in the following screenshot that is a drill down from the previous screen shot.

Screen Shot 2016-06-01 at 3.33.04 PM

Hence XCode gives a fairly painless way to add some performance metrics to your unit tests.

Test Case Organization

Generally, you want your unit tests to run against every build or your product, so you want then to run in a second or two. Once the performance tests get longer, you will probably want to separate them off into a separate test group and then run this test group perhaps once over night. I haven’t done that, but if the project gets any bigger then I will.

In fact, the test framework inside XCode is quite good for performing integration tests (which would run against real databases and real servers), but since these may require some setup or be quite time consuming, you could also set these to run once per night.

There is also a separate framework for UI testing, which again is too slow to run against every build, but makes sense to run every night.

Refactoring the Unit Tests

For the performance test, I wanted to record the time it takes to draw the Koch Snowflake at various fractal levels. To do this I wanted to do something like the previous testInitialViewController routine, but it contained a lot of setup code. So first the unit test framework includes setUp function that is called before the unit tests are run and a tearDown routine that is called after then finished. So I moved the creating of the graphic context to this routine, along with the code to get the view controller started. Then it was fairly easy to add tests for fractal levels 3 through 7.

Last time I just had 2 unit tests, each was quite large and performed multiple things. Now we’ve split things up into more unit tests that do less, which is generally a better practice. This was actually forced on me since you can only have one measureBlock in any unit test, so I couldn’t performance test the different fractal levels in the same unit test (at least with separate timings). Really I should break up the turtle graphics tests into multiple unit tests, perhaps next time.

The reason I went all the way to fractal level 7, was that the performance reports in XCode are often 2 decimal places (or sometimes 3 decimal places) on the number of seconds the test takes. For my fractal, the drawing is quite quick so I needed go this high to get some longer test times recorded (kind of a good problem to have). I could have gone higher or put them in an additional loop, but thought this was sufficient.

//  KochSnowFlakeTests.swift
//  KochSnowFlakeTests
//  Created by Stephen Smith on 2016-05-13.
//  Copyright © 2016 Stephen Smith. All rights reserved.

import XCTest

@testable import KochSnowFlake

class KochSnowFlakeTests: XCTestCase {
    var storyboard:UIStoryboard!
    var viewController:ViewController!

    override func setUp() {
        // Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.

        UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(CGSize(width: 50, height: 50), false, 20);

        self.storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)

        self.viewController = storyboard.instantiateInitialViewController() as! ViewController
        _ = viewController.view

    override func tearDown() {
        // Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.

    func testTurtleGraphics() {
        // Test the turtle graphics library.
        // Note we need a valid graphics context to do this.

        let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
        let tg = TurtleGraphics(inContext: context!);
        XCTAssert(tg.x == 50, "Initial X value should be 50");
        XCTAssertEqual(tg.y, 150, "Initial Y value should be 150");
        XCTAssertEqual(tg.angle, 0, "Initial angle should be 0");
        XCTAssertEqual(tg.x, 60, "X should be incremented to 60");
        XCTAssertEqual(tg.y, 150, "Initial Y value should be 150");
        XCTAssertEqual(tg.angle, 0, "Initial angle should be 0");
        XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(tg.x, 60, accuracy: 0.0001, "X should be o 60");
        XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(tg.y, 160, accuracy: 0.0001, "Initial Y value should be 160");
        XCTAssertEqual(tg.angle, 90, "Initial angle should be 90");
        XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(tg.x, 60 + 10 * sqrt(2) / 2, accuracy: 0.0001, "X should be o 60+10*sqrt(2)/2");
        XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(tg.y, 160 + 10 * sqrt(2) / 2, accuracy: 0.0001, "Initial Y value should be 160+10*sqrt(2)/2");
        XCTAssertEqual(tg.angle, 45, "Initial angle should be 45");

    func testPerformanceLevel3()
        // Test that the storyboard is connected to the view controller and
        // that we can create and use the view and controls.

        viewController.fractalLevelTextField.text = "3"
        self.measureBlock {
            self.viewController.fracView.drawRect(CGRect(x:0, y:0, width: 50, height: 50))

        XCTAssertTrue(viewController.fracView.level == 3)
        // This next line is just to get 100% code coverage.

    func testPerformanceLevel4() {
        // This is an example of a performance test case.
        viewController.fractalLevelTextField.text = "4"
        self.measureBlock {
            self.viewController.fracView.drawRect(CGRect(x:0, y:0, width: 50, height: 50))

    func testPerformanceLevel5() {
        // This is an example of a performance test case.
        viewController.fractalLevelTextField.text = "5"
        self.measureBlock {
            self.viewController.fracView.drawRect(CGRect(x:0, y:0, width: 50, height: 50))

    func testPerformanceLevel6() {
        // This is an example of a performance test case.
        viewController.fractalLevelTextField.text = "6"
        self.measureBlock {
            self.viewController.fracView.drawRect(CGRect(x:0, y:0, width: 50, height: 50))

    func testPerformanceLevel7() {
        // This is an example of a performance test case.
        viewController.fractalLevelTextField.text = "7"
        self.measureBlock {
            self.viewController.fracView.drawRect(CGRect(x:0, y:0, width: 50, height: 50))



I found adding performance tests to my fractal iOS application quite easy. XCode gives quite nice support to perform these tests painlessly, hopefully motivating more programmers to include them.

At this point I’m not going to optimize the code as it is running fast enough. But if I ever take on drawing more sophisticated or complicated fractals, then drawing speed becomes really important. Some things to consider would be how efficient in the recursive algorithm used, and whether I’m efficiently using floating point and integer arithmetic (or are there unnecessary conversions or perhaps too much precision being used).

Written by smist08

June 7, 2016 at 2:15 am