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Archive for February 2020

The Facts About Coffee Shop Wifi

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My guest post on the Write Cup blog.

The Write Cup

By Stephen Smith

Is Coffee Shop Wifi Safe?

Many people use coffee shops as their offices or workspaces, all using the free Wifi to get their work done. Wifi can be a competitive differentiator for a shop. If a joint has good Wifi, writers and home office workers will flock to it. A few shops don’t have Wifi to discourage people staying too long, but then they better have great coffee to compensate. People worry this isn’t safe and you will get hacked. Some buy expensive security solutions to protect themselves. Is using coffee shop Wifi really dangerous? Are you going to get hacked using Starbucks’ Wifi? In this article we’ll look at how safe it is and provide some tips to stay secure.

Remember when Internet cafes charged by the minute? Wifi on cruise ships are prohibitively expensive, so better to wait until you’re in port and find a…

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Written by smist08

February 28, 2020 at 11:58 am

Posted in Uncategorized